Homeopathy is an alternative medicine therapy used by practitioners to heal the body by diluting an ingredient with water or alcohol. It believes in the principle that the body has the power to heal itself and the diluted substance can treat the symptoms. One part of the ingredient tincture is mixed in 99 parts of alcohol or water wherein the raw material is plant-based.
This practice of medicine is different from conventional western medicine but can be used to treat an extremely wide range of conditions. Some researchers have shown that people who take the help of homeopathy medicine may see an improvement gradually and have proven to be more effective in physical conditions such as asthma and psychological conditions such as depression.
You don’t have to worry and think, how can I become a homeopathic doctor in India? There is no legal regulation of homeopathic practitioners in India and one can also practice homeopathy practice on online platforms or in digital mode with basic qualifications or experience. These regulations aim to protect patient safety, as the side effects arising from this therapy are minimal.
Some homeopathic remedies may contain substances that can be allergic to some patients so it is always advisable to consult an experienced homeopathy doctor.