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Frequently Asked Questions

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Why is it necessary to be nil by mouth for a few minutes before and after homoeopathic medicines?

Homoeopathic medicines are absorbed through nerve endings. If we have taken anything by mouth just before/after intake of medicines, then it may create a barrier layer between the medicine and the nerve endings which will interrupt the effect of homoeopathic medicines.

In homoeopathy, all medicines look the same in size and color, are they really the same?

No, these white pills are just a medium or vehicle for a medicine. They are used to lessen the bitterness of homoeopathic medicine. Actual medicines are the dilutions, from which few drops are added into these small white pills. The dilutions are chosen according to the diagnosis of the patient.

Can these small pills be effective to treat the diseases?

Of course, they can do this because Homoeopathy works on the principle where with the advanced technique (potentization) each particle is converted into small particles and each of them has more energy than the previous one. So, smaller the dose it’s more effective.

Homoeopathy/ Homoeopathic medicines take a longer time to cure the disease, is it true?

It is said sooner you consult the homoeopath faster are the results. Most of the time patients choose homoeopathy as their last option when they do not get appropriate results from other modes of treatment. But by that time the condition has been old and more complex in its presentation. So it would be relatively time consuming when a patient comes late. Older the disease condition is, the duration of the treatment depends on the same. If the patients choose homoeopathy right from the beginning of the complaint, the recovery will be rapid and faster.

Does Homoeopathic triggers the symptoms of disease and then relieves?

It is partially true but it is not always necessary. It occurs in cases where symptoms are suppressed wrongly. This initial aggravation indicates that the selected remedy is correct and the disease is being eradicated from its root.

Can allopathic medicines be taken along with homoeopathic medicines?

Yes, if the patient has started allopathic medicines before homoeopathic medicines then as per the convenience, they can be stopped. In severe cases, if the body is addicted to allopathic medicines, the severity of disease is lessened and so gradually allopathic medicines can be stopped (if indicated).

Homoeopathic medicines are effective only in long- lasting chronic disease, not in every disease?

Homoeopathic medicines are equally effective in both acute (new) e.g. fever, flu, cough, coryza, diarrhea, vomiting etc., and chronic (old) complains e.g. arthritis, skin complain, asthma, hypertension, thyroid disorders etc. It is also effective to deal with pseudo surgical diseases like kidney stone, warts, tonsillitis, appendicitis, corns, piles, boils etc. Homoeopathic treatment has a very good scope even in the psychological cases like anxiety, fear, depression, schizophrenia etc

Can Diabetic patient take homoeopathic medicines as they are sweet in taste?

The homoeopathic pills do not contain any content that can boost up the diabetes in patients, in spite of being sweet in taste. It is safer even for diabetic patients. Even homoeopathy is useful in the treatment and management of Diabetes.

Homoeopathic medicines do not work in Ophthalmic or E.N.T ailments?

In fact homoeopathy is very effective in all types of infection and allergies as well as recurrent and palliative of degenerative ailments.

Does homoeopathic medicines contain steroids?

Homoeopathic medicines are made from natural sources with a special process of potentization, and they are very safe, gentle and harmless with no steroidal content in them. Kindly beware of the people or doctors who keep saying that there is a content of steroid in Homeopathy. This is a Myth. Homeopathic medicines contain only and only essence of various natural substances.

Is Homoeopathic medicines are nothing but a placebo, is it true?

They are made from the process of potentization in which the medicines are made in a form that they are diluted to a highly Nano particles that are not visible with the naked eyes but still the medicinal properties are enhanced in it, so each and every remedy is purely natural with medicinal content in it.

Are Homoeopathic medicines safe for children, pregnant and lactating women?

Homeopathy works in harmony with your immune system & endocrine system unlike other system which suppress the immune system or creates an imbalance in endocrines which results in various side effects. Homeopathic medicine are prepared on natural ingredients such as different kind of plants/herbs, minerals or animal products with no chemical mixtures or adulteration. Hence these are safe for all age groups and in different phases of life.

Do we require to take Homoeopathic medicines for life long?

Absolutely not, once the balance between mind and body has been restored and if the patient has recovered from the complaint for quite a good period of time, then the medicines can be discontinued. When we understand your body is in harmony we stop the treatment. But for best and long term result we advise to complete the course of the treatment.

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